“Kas minust võiks saada õpetaja?” küsimustiku allikad
- Oskuste kompass https://oskused.ee/ametid/opetaja.
- Oskuste kompass https://oskused.ee/ametid/klassiopetaja.
- Teachers of Tomorrow https://www.teachersoftomorrow.org/.
- Arnon, Sara & Reichel, Nirit. (2007). Who is the ideal teacher? Am I? Similarity and difference in perception of students of education regarding the qualities of a good teacher and of their own qualities as teachers. Teachers and Teaching. 13. 441-464. 10.1080/13540600701561653.
- Krips, Heiki (2011). Õpetajate suhtlemiskompetentsus ja suhtlemisoskused. https://dspace.ut.ee/server/api/core/bitstreams/a1f145ac-49ae-4433-8838-82fb106e8681/content
- Kutsestandardid: Õpetaja, tase 6: https://www.kutseregister.ee/ctrl/et/Standardid/vaata/10824210.
- Rakendusliku Antropoloogia Keskus (2022). Õpetajate persoonauuring.
- OECD. 2018. Teaching in Focus #22: Who wants to become a teacher and why?